Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 18

Now, who would be using the shower that I received yesterday?
Why, Santa, of course!  Besides the question I posed yesterday as to why a family would have a shower in their living room, I would also like to know why Santa would be the one using it.  Although, I can at least say that he's wearing a hat and...a thong?  Because we all know that makes this slightly less creepy than if he was fully naked.  It did make me laugh though, so I won't dwell on the weirdness of it too much.  I chose to pretend that the top of the calender is Santa's house.  Besides thinking it weird to put this in the living room with the family, I also decided that the display is getting too cluttered.  I'm sure I'm probably going to rearrange the scene at least once more.

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